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Green Lab initiates and moderates the collaboration of all those involved and shapes the associated cultural change.

The dissemination of technical innovations and the application of new or little-known business models is supported. The Green Lab network exchanges best practice examples, connects experts from a wide range of disciplines and supports the finding of solutions in individual projects.

The Green Lab Initiative sees itself as a bridge-builder between disciplines in the future. Together with its members, it offers knowledge and experience on how to master the challenges of the future, shows what is still missing today, and supports the process of finding solutions.

How can Swiss research remain competitive and become CO2 neutral in the future?

Laboratory buildings consume up to ten times more energy than other buildings with a comparable floor space.

The desired interdisciplinary collaboration is based on a cultural shift in the design, implementation and operation of future laboratories.

Would you like to learn how digitalization is the new basis for the entire laboratory infrastructure and the
R&D processes?

The conditions for R&D are changing dramatically.
The current concepts and solutions can no longer meet the future requirements of the laboratories.

Do you have a specific strategy to manage your energy consumption and reduce the ecological footprint of your laboratories?

Would you like to be part of this collaboration and actively drive it forward?

Automation and digitalization will become even more important for research and development as well as for your laboratory.

Would you like to learn about promising concepts and solutions for your future?

The Green Lab Symposium

The Green Lab Symposium is the first laboratory symposium in Switzerland for Switzerland.
Our goal is to break existing thought patterns and create a platform for active, interdisciplinary exchange.


Interactive workshops on selected topics in smaller groups offer the opportunity for a creative solution-finding process.


Keynote presentations report on the current state of research and future perspectives.
In addition, panel discussions and expert presentations will address the needs of the various interest groups.


The Green Lab Symposium is a unique opportunity for networking in Switzerland with like-minded people.
Bring your challenge and be inspired by other people’s ideas!

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